Saturday 30 January 2010

'Edinburgh's Dark Side'

The narrative project continues, and now I have a glass bead which will work, I have pretty much run out of excuses to be on the torch, so will have to leave it until this project is finished by the looks of things :( . Still, getting more into Edinburgh's gruesome history, and this will be forwarded even further tomorrow morning with a crack of dawn graveyard visit! My camera is up and running again so time to harness the best light of the day, and hopefully get some sketches done too. In the meantime, I have been reading more of Edinburgh's history on this brilliant blog I found: have a look, its really good and perfect for inspiration for this project. Little bit difficult to record it in a sketchbook though...
Also tomorrow I'm off to see 'Meet Your Maker', an exhibition on contemporary Scottish craft practice at the National Museum in the afternoon. Once I have warmed up from my sketching :)
Looking forward to it.

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